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Associate Counsellor Course (ACC)

Try remembering the worst time in your life when you felt powerless, weak, disgusted and so low that you just prayed that this would pass away soon. Remembering it, hurts a little right?

Well, the past can be scary but the way I see it is either you can run from it or learn from it! What you learn from your worst times will eventually define you.

For example:

1. Imagine a situation where a teenage kid is all alone as his parents die.

Unleash the Speaker within (USW)

Research shows that people who speak well earn 75% more than those who don’t. Your voice can help you to achieve higher level of success and you become an excellent communicator. Communication skill is rated at the no.1 skill for success.


Presentation skills, Platform skills, Golden rule of Public Speaking, tips & techniques used by TED speakers, Audience Connection, Use of Humor, Practical Speech Writing and making videos.

DURATION: 2 full days + 6months

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Certificate Course in Life Designing

Just as we design our homes, offices etc. we can design our life to achieve what we want. A conscious living helps us to create our reality. This course will help you to be the best in your professional and personal life.


Basic Life Designing Skills & Introduction to Psychotherapy, REBT, SITH, Psychometric Assessments, LOA and Creative Visualisation.

DURATION: 6 Days – 4 hours each

Personality Development
Course (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3)

Your personality is your window to the world. People recognize you by your personality. Create your own brand with the personality development course.


Manners and Etiquettes, Emotional Management, Success Habits, Leadership Development, Team Building and Interpersonal Skills.

DURATION: 1 month 8 sessions each level

Personality Profiling *
Profiling for students & Corporates

All successful people have worked on their self development so you need to know yourself before you try to achieve success. Your personal qualities will help you create your Personal Reality.


Emotional Mastery Training Program


Life have changed and people are hired for EQ more than I think. Daniel Coleman says that – “EQ is the critical skill which is the basic of all skills” like empathy, anger management, customer service, social skill etc. 90% of top performers are also high in EI.


Introduction and importance of emotional intelligence, Personal Competence, Self awareness & self management, Social Competence, Social awareness and relationship management

DURATION: 3 days Program

Psychometric Profiling

This is a scientific assessment tool based on the work done by Carl Jung, W.H Martson, Eric Berne, Howard Gardner and other psychologist.

It can be used for –

Teen Warriors Adventure Camp

Children learn best through play and activities. This is a chance to overcome fear and develop confidence for clearly structured activities to unleash your best self.

This can help you to:-


Corporate Training


Stress and storms of life causes havoc and we lack joy and fulfilment in life. We forget how to use our own intelligence to face life. If you also wish to contribute to the lives of others, you need to know yourself and manage your own life to achieve your goals. This training Program will help you work on yourself, build life designing skills for yourself as well as your client. It will help you to design experiences to achieve the best out of any life situation.



Inside out Program (Level 1, Level 2, Level 3)
In Collaboration with Ms. Tarveen Kaur

Image Consulting is an essential tool as FIRST IMPRESSION IS THE LAST IMPRESSION. Any business needs brand building. We believe that it is first necessary to build the brand YOU. Once you have built your brand, you need to make things happen by bending reality, hence this course. To be a winner we need to work on our inner self and shine out. Success begins on the inside.


Image Power :Art and science of impression, body language , Poise , Power, Art of small talk, etc.

DURATION: 1 DAY each level

Personal Coaching

Everyone is lost without a guide. A guide or a coach sees your situation as an outsider. Also a coach is neutral and not affected by your emotions. As a trained Counsellor and Psychotherapist and life coach, Life designer Biji Tushar coaches you to get the best out of your self.


Individual Sessions can be merged into group sessions if challenges are the same

DURATION: 45mins to 1Hour per session. Ideally once a week.

Micro Courses at Rs699/

Communication Excellence is rated as number one skill for success. This is the skill required in successful business, successful relationships , successful social life and personal mastery.
Our prime Minister was able to get 130crore Indians together with this skill.So don’t miss this opportunity to hone your skills.

1. Influence of personality
2. Nonverbal communication
3.Influence through thoughts.
4. Negotation skills
5. Conflict Resolution
6. Speaking to Impact action.

Saturday & Sunday
Time:2.30pm to 4.30pm
Energy Exchange:Rs.699/- only
WhatsApp 8355824990 to register.

Be Your Own Bliss

Bad experiences of the past does not help us in any way but it can cause irreparable damage to our health and hence our life.So Free yourself and Be your own Bliss.

This a workshop specially for people who dont want to speak of your problems,where you will not be asked any questions.

There will be healing through meditation and auto writing.