Managing teams for business success
April 14, 2023
- 5:11 am
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so that they feel like Businesses begin with an idea and a person willing to pursue that idea with passion. As the business grows, more employees are needed to manage the day-to-day operations. At times, the addition of team members harms the business rather than having a positive impact. Why does something intended to assist a company grow end up being counterproductive?
There could be various reasons for this like the ones mentioned below
- Unclear direction – New team members are unable to envision the future of the organization due to an unclear roadmap laid out by the founder or an absence of it altogether.
- Communications mismanagement – Lack of proper channels of communication and inability to comprehend the message can lead to confusion among new team members and impede the smooth functioning of the business.
- A lack of in-house training – Businesses tend to hire employees based on their resumes, but give little or no importance to training them on the ways of working and in-house practices.
- An inability to manage a team – Although the founder may be a great independent worker, he or she may not be a good manager.
- Fear of losing control over the business – Many business owners do not feel comfortable giving their employees the reins of their companies for fear of losing control over their businesses. This results in micromanagement, which is frustrating for both parties.
Large established companies seem to have their own set of challenges when it comes to managing teams and creating an environment conducive to growth and productivity. Based on the results of a recent survey, a deteriorating work environment can be attributed to a lack of a collaborative spirit, poor understanding or empathy among team members and a lack of open and honest communication. In addition, many of the employees who intended to quit within a year of joining cited a “disconnect with the company” as a primary reason for quitting.
A question thus arises: How does one effectively manage a team and build a successful business?
While there is no one single answer to this question there are a few things both small and big businesses can do to successfully manage their teams and maximize productivity
- Create a sense of belonging- Promote collaboration between teams and make sure that all employee concerns are addressed.
- Be specific– No one likes vague instructions. Make sure that the employees are aware about when, how and what they are expected to do.
- Trust your employees – While it is understandable that your business is very dear to you, trusting your employees to make the right decisions is vital for the company to grow and for you to be able to focus on more important things that need your attention.
- Make promises and stick to them – Nothing bothers people more than broken promises. If you promise a pay raise, make sure that you give it.
- Give feedback – Set measurable goals, monitor the progress of your employees from time to time and give feedback when necessary their work is being valued.